Bug with the CSLA Action Extender sample with the Save/New button

Bug with the CSLA Action Extender sample with the Save/New button

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/10715.aspx

xenoputtss posted on Monday, September 26, 2011


  I haven't found anyone posting about this, but it seems like there is a problem with the cslaActionExtender with both the 3.8 sample projects (netsamples-3.8.3-100506, and netsamples-3.8.4-100811).  The only change I made to reproduce this problem was to change the app config to point to my server and database (which looks like this).

<add name="connStr"  

         connectionString="Data Source=HQDevDB1;Initial Catalog=CslaActionExtenderSample;Integrated Security=True;Asynchronous Processing=true" />


The bug is, if you click "Save/New", none of the buttons work afterwards.  The validation rules still apply but the buttons don't work.  (the cancel button does seem to work).
Does anyone know what is going on here and if there is a work around for this, or perhaps a bug fix I can apply to our local csla source?

JonnyBee replied on Monday, September 26, 2011


I very much doubt that CslaActionExtender has ever been tested for use with the Asynchronous Procession option set to true.
Have you tried without Asyncronous Processing?

I know we have several bugs in the bugtracker related to CslaActionExtender.

Unfortunately, I don't think we will be able to do address these bugs for Windows Forms/CslaActionExtender.

xenoputtss replied on Monday, September 26, 2011

I tried it without Asycronous processing and get the exact same problem.

I did notice something else though.  I can click save/new and the save and it will give me the business errors dialog.  Actually all the buttons work, until i type in data to pass all the validation rules.  Then all the buttons seem to stop working..



xenoputtss replied on Monday, September 26, 2011

It appears when I debug into the source (breaking on all exceptions) that there is a EditLevel issue in AcceptChanges of the BusinessListBase.cs class and a new Core.UndoException(**) is being thrown (and not shown).



xenoputtss replied on Monday, September 26, 2011

to narrow this down a little bit more.  

It has nothing to do with the buttons,  if you create a new order and bind it using cslaActionExtender, this causes the same problem as described above.

xenoputtss replied on Tuesday, September 27, 2011

ok, so the bug isn't with cslaActionExtender, it is with BindingSourceNode.

(I removed cslaActionexender from the form and wired up just BindingSourceNode and get the same error).


I now believe the error has something to do with BindingSourceNode and the Child Collection on the Order object.  (I removed "orderDetailListProperty"property from Order class, and all associated bindings, and I am able to save correctly.)



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