Options for migrating from CSLA 1.x and 2.x

Options for migrating from CSLA 1.x and 2.x

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/10739.aspx

Mark posted on Wednesday, October 05, 2011

I have several older WinForm apps that utilized the CSLA 1.x and 2.x frameworks.  They are showing their age and need updating (if nothing else - so I can get rid of my VM that I have setup to run VS2003 and associated components!).

There's been a lot of talk since BUILD about how Metro/WinRT is the future of Windows development, but from what little I've seen so far, it seems very similar to Silverlight - running in a limited subset of .NET that doesn't give you full access to the PC.

Unfortunately, the applications I'm looking at updating communicate with numerous client-side devices.  Examples - scales, coin sorters, custom industrial printers, cash drawers, receipt printers, etc. 

I was prepared to jump all-in and migrate these apps to WPF/MVVM, but I hate to invest development resources/dollars in a technology that Microsoft considers now seems to consider "legacy".  However, I don't see many other options on the table.

Thoughts? Or am I making much ado about nothing?

Curelom replied on Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Rocky has detailed some of the differences Metro will make in some other posts.  If you start building your apps now as WPF/MVVM you should be in good shape.  These applications would still work as Desktop Apps in Windows 8 and porting them would mostly be on the GUI/XAML side of things.

Rocky details it in his blog.



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