Help with ChildChanged

Help with ChildChanged

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CrikeyMoses posted on Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I'm using Silverlight 4, Csla 4.1 and MVVM

I have a Business Object Company with child objects Fees which of of type List<Fee>

In my View when i change the Fee, the 'Save' button (which is bound to 'CanSave') doesn't enable. But when i do save the root object and call the FieldManager.UpdateChildren() it in fact does have the changes and saves it to the DB correctly. I've had a read about the ChildChanged event but am unsure of how to implement it.

Can someone please point in the right direction?


StefanCop replied on Tuesday, November 22, 2011

This post might help you

Is this what you're looking for?

CrikeyMoses replied on Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Arrggg stupid me, just solved my problem. On my Fee BO i had the setters as LoadProperty and not SetProperty.

Thanks for your link tho, i now do understand the ChildChanged event more clearly, also had read about it in the eBooks and we are going to have to use it soon... 

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