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wasiuddin.786 posted on Wednesday, November 23, 2011

how to use the  httpTransport transferMode="StreamedResponse"  in silverlight4 application


i have large object ,i am sending large object from client to server but it through  error remote server not found


i am using csla4+silverlight4+wcf 

just i want tranfer data in stream format

RockfordLhotka replied on Monday, November 28, 2011

The data portal doesn't support this feature of WCF. To use this feature you will need to create your own service endpoint and invoke it by hand.

Alternately, you might be able to create a custom data portal proxy/host channel (see the Using CSLA 4: Data Portal Configuration ebook) that supports streaming - this is not something I've ever tried to do. The trick is that you can't deserialize the data until the entire byte array has been transferred over the network.

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