Csla PropertyStatus and AddInformationResult IsValid Property

Csla PropertyStatus and AddInformationResult IsValid Property

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/10918.aspx

BruderKotlett posted on Friday, November 25, 2011


I've got a business rule that checks if a value already exists in my database. This rules works fine and will add the correct information:

if (e.Object.Exists)
                        context.AddInformationResult("Already exists");

In my BO it looks like this:

BusinessRules.AddRule(new CustomRules.ArztNummerExists(ArztNummerProperty, FilialeUidProperty, UIDProperty));

In my View (XAML Code) I've a CSLA PropertyStatus that's binded to my "ArztNummerProperty". Works fine.

If my rule doesn't add a information result to the context, the PropertyStatus is valid, but if my rule adds the information result to the context, my PropertyStaus is not valid.

How can I say to my PropertyStatus that the IsValid Property should be true in this case? The information is visible on my GUI - works fine.

Or is there something I'm missunterstand?

Hopefully you guys understand everything :-)

Kind regards


JonnyBee replied on Sunday, November 27, 2011

Hi Kevin,

PropertyStatus is build so that it will show Error/Warning/Info message and the IsValid property on the Propertystatus control is set to false if there is any broken rule on the field.

I don't know if that s a bug or intentional.
I hope Rocky can assist with an answer to that.

Theproperty is set in UpdateState method of PropertyStatus:

        IsValid = BrokenRules.Count == 0;

If following the traditional rules for IsValid on a business object that code line should be:

         IsValid = BrokenRules.Any(p => p.Severity == RuleSeverity.Error);

Unfortunately the IsValid property setter is private so you can't set it even if you override the UpdateState method.

BruderKotlett replied on Monday, November 28, 2011

Thank you JonnyBee. That explains everything.

I also think, the IsValid Property should be IsValid = TRUE if there is an information or warning severity.

@Rocky: Yes, it would be really nice If you can assist with an answer to that.

JonnyBee replied on Monday, November 28, 2011

Hi Kevin,

Issuecreated in BugTracker:  http://www.lhotka.net/cslabugs/edit_bug.aspx?id=992 

We will consider changing how IsValid is updated in Csla 4.3.

jamie.clayton replied on Thursday, February 16, 2012

Unfortunately the IsValid property setter is private so you can't set it even if you override the UpdateState method.

In VB.net I've been Overriding the IsValid property in my Business Objects to overcome the definition of BrokenRule including all RuleSeverity options. I use the following convention

  1. RuleSeverity=Error to define something that blocks the user from saving data (data IsValid to save). 
  2. RuleSeverity=Warning to define an edge case that might just be a typo by the user. E.g. Date not close enough to today's date.
  3. RuleSeverity=Info - Never used.
            Public Overrides ReadOnly Property IsValid() As Boolean
                    '   Linq Edition
                    Return (From item In BrokenRulesCollection Where item.Severity = RuleSeverity.Error).Count = 0
                    '   TODO: Lambda edition ?? VB. Determine the lambda version of the loop below
                    'Return BrokenRulesCollection.Any( p >= p.Severity = RuleSeverity.Error)
                    '   GOLE: Good old Loop edition
                    'Dim result As Boolean = True
                    'For Each item As BrokenRule In BrokenRulesCollection
                    '    If item.Severity = RuleSeverity.Error Then
                    '        result = False
                    '    End If
                    'Return False
                End Get
            End Property

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