Using the Silverlight WCF CRUD

Using the Silverlight WCF CRUD

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AKaplan posted on Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Ok I believe I've setup my WCF accordingly in Silverlight. But I feel like I'm missing something or something hasn't 'clicked' in my understanding how to execute the CRUD statements w the CSLA WCF Silverlight. I was wondering if something could give me an example that is more thorough than the csla examples given? I'm not sure if I should be using the csladataproviders, the WCF datasources, or create a whole SL Library the mimics the .net Library created (that way is really confusing btw)? I'm so confused. I would prefer the easiest less headache route, which I thought would be the WCF datasources, but I don't understand on how to execute the WCFPortalClient and what it all needs. Please help. 

RockfordLhotka replied on Wednesday, December 07, 2011

The 4.1 ProjectTracker is quite good. So is the SimpleNTier sample.

The best source of answers/recommendations is the Using CSLA 4 ebook series, specifically the book on the data portal and the book on WPF/Silverlight.

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