Issue with Validation Rules Refreshing with Prism...

Issue with Validation Rules Refreshing with Prism...

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reagan123 posted on Wednesday, December 07, 2011

We are using CSLA 4 and Prism 4 for a WPF application.  Currently, we are using the CSLA.ViewModelBase for our view models.  The first time I navigate to a view, the object is created and the validation errors show correctly.  The issue comes the second time I load the view.  It seems like the PropertyStatus control is not being refreshed, but I really don't know.

Has anyone seen either seen this behavior or have a suggestion of what to try?

Thank you.

Additional Details:
We are loading the view using "RegionManager.RequestNavigation"
We are loading the model  "OnNavigatedTo"

reagan123 replied on Wednesday, December 07, 2011

I'm wondering if this is the issue that says it's fixed in 4.2.  We are going to update to test it out.  Any feedback still would be appreciated.


PropertyStatus misses in syncing BO and UI and updating UI

JonnyBee replied on Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Yes, you should try the updated PropertyStatus.

If it still fail then please provide us with a simple sample that reproduces the behavior so we can dig into the issue.

reagan123 replied on Wednesday, December 07, 2011

That worked... Thanks for the quick reply.  Looks like we are going to upgrade to 4.2.1.


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