Async_ExceptionOccurred after minute+ of waiting - how to diagnose / what causes it?

Async_ExceptionOccurred after minute+ of waiting - how to diagnose / what causes it?

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skagen00 posted on Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Have a nasty problem that manifests for exactly one user to-date - doesn't happen when they login via another PC.  I would love any pointers as to where I should take my diagnosing efforts.  It's a production site and I don't have an easy ability to throw in a lot of diagnostic code.

Have not seen this error anywhere else in the application.

This is an out-of-browser CSLA Silverlight app.

Is there something I should be looking for with Async_ExceptionOccurred? 

**The error message doesn't come up for a good minute+ ** 

It's never executing the callback method - it gets to this call we're pretty sure.






CompanyPrincipal.Login(clientTextBox.Text, loginTextBox.Text, passwordTextBox.Password, (o1, e1) => { ** this code never gets executed** });

 CompanyIdentity inherits CslaIdentityBase and CompanyPrincipal inherits CslaPrincipal. 

CompanyPrincipal.Login() looks like: 

public static void Login(string clientId, string userId, string password, EventHandler<EventArgs> completed)


   CompanyIdentity.GetIdentity(clientId, userId.ToUpper(), password, (o, e) =>


         if (e.Error != null)



            throw e.Error;



         completed(null, EventArgs.Empty);




Debugging resource strings are unavailable.  Often the key and
arguments provide sufficient information to diagnose the
problem.  See
Log Details: Logging the error failed.
Exception Details: [Async_ExceptionOccurred]
Debugging resource strings are unavailable. Often the key and
arguments provide sufficient information to diagnose the
problem.  See

RockfordLhotka replied on Wednesday, January 25, 2012

It might be a timeout issue in the WCF client code. One thing you might be able to do is turn on WCF trace logging so you can see if WCF successfully round-trips the data portal call, or if the server just never responds.

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