Asp samples in 4.2

Asp samples in 4.2

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barryfz posted on Thursday, March 01, 2012

What's happened to the Project Tracker Web Form examples (reg ASP.NET) in 4.2.2 samples?



RockfordLhotka replied on Thursday, March 01, 2012

ProjectTracker is primarily driven by the books I write. There is no Web Forms book, so there was no effort to update the related sample.

Additionally what I've learned over the years is that including non-working samples is a bad thing. So if I didn't have time to confirm it worked, I removed it. Hence it is gone.

The upside is that Web Forms hasn't changed in any meaningful way since 2005. Nor has the way CSLA supports Web Forms. That means the 3.x sample is perfectly fine to use as a start point, and the Expert 2008 Business Objects book remains the best documentation for Web Forms. apps.

That will change with .NET 4.5, because there are a bunch of new features in Web Forms, and some of them will probably have minor impact on CSLA and the way you use CSLA objects to create a Web Forms app. As a result, there'll almost certainly be a Web Forms project in the 4.5 version of ProjectTracker.

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