Is there a a database for Rolodex Prism Demo?

Is there a a database for Rolodex Prism Demo?

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superkuton posted on Tuesday, May 29, 2012

When i run the Prism Demo, and try to login using the "admin" account,

I get the a remote server notfound error.

What I have downloaded did not include a database for the demo proj.

Is there a separate download or a configuration needed?


sergeyb replied on Tuesday, May 29, 2012

It is using EF Code first, and DB should be created first time you run it.  Just check web.config to make sure your SQL server instance matches what is in the config file.  Of course, 404 not found is virtually the only error you will ever get from SL WCF stack, so you may need to enable WCF tracing to find the real error.


superkuton replied on Sunday, June 10, 2012


(The sample in 4.3.12 worked.)



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