Cannot reference base class methods using derived class.

Cannot reference base class methods using derived class.

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phowatt posted on Thursday, January 10, 2013

I am using an older version of csla (2.14).  To date I have done my work in VB and I am switching to c#.  I have business classes written in VB that I converted to c#.  The problem I am having is that in the c# versions of my code I cannot reference methods or properties from the base class using my derived class.  For example I have a derived class I call "GlobalListItems"  this class inherits the BusinessListBase class.  The type for this list is a derived class I call "GlobalListItem" and this class inherits the BusinessBase class.  In another class I instantiate the GlobalListItems. I can access the methods I created in the derived class but I cannot access any of the methods or properties of the base class "BusinessListBase".  For example if I want to know the count of items in the collection I would reference the "Count" property using my instantiated derived class, but "Count" does not show up on intellisense and I get an error when I use that property name.  In the VB version of these classes I do not have this problem.  What am I missing?  Thanks.

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