Continuous Integration Tool Used

Continuous Integration Tool Used

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jwhook posted on Wednesday, August 27, 2014

We're looking at continuous integration tools for our in-house .NET and ASP.NET applications. In addition to the code, we also would like to update both schema and configuration data in our SQL Server database. Curious to know what others from this community have chosen and how they like their choice.

At this point, we're looking at CruiseControl.Net, Jenkins, TeamCity, and a strictly TFS solution using the Release Management functionality (which seems very expensive).

Thanks for your input.

RockfordLhotka replied on Thursday, August 28, 2014

For CSLA itself I use TeamCity, and it seems to work quite well. But I don't need to update database schemas, just build assemblies...

For several Magenic projects we use the standard TFS build server support, but haven't yet used the Release Management functionality.

ajj3085 replied on Tuesday, September 02, 2014

I'd recommend TeamCity; CC.Net was great when it first came out, but it hasn't really changed much since 2001 and the only option for your builds is writing your own build scripts and XML configuration files, both of which end up being a huge time suck.  You may still have some things you need to do with scripts but overall putting a build together is more point and click with TeamCity as it covers many tasks already. 

Peran replied on Thursday, September 04, 2014

I have received recommendations for recently.  Not used it myself, but planning on giving it a go.




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