partial methods and csla code generation

partial methods and csla code generation

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Curelom posted on Friday, December 07, 2007

I've been looking at some of the new .net 3.5 stuff and found something called partial methods.  These are similar to partial classes and allow you to generate a method in a different file.  The compiler also optimizes and removes everything if you don't  implement the method, so it doesn't clutter the dll or cost extra processing.

The first thing I'm thinking is this would be great for csla code generation, much better then using the delegate methods method for partial classes.  Also works in VB9.

You can find a video with more details here

Your thoughts anybody?

Curelom replied on Friday, December 07, 2007

One more thing, these methods are actually compiler tricks used with VS2008, so they can be used in .net 2.0 projects as well.

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