Infragistics UltraGrid and children Undo problem

Infragistics UltraGrid and children Undo problem

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dbranscombe posted on Friday, December 14, 2007


I am using infragistics UltraGrid for windows version 7.2., CSLA

I am trying to get the Undoable stuff to work when there are child collections involved. I am almost getting to work. However my edit levels are getting out of sync.

Everything is fine until it seems that the wingrid calls an extra begin edit on the first object in a child collection when the parent row is first selected and doesn't seem to be calling an end edit for it. The end edit is only called for the parent not the additional child object.

If I do click on a child object row it does seem to begin and end edits on the child row properly.

The error actually only occurs when I return to a record that has been previously selected. At this point all edit levels are correct except the firt child object.

Of course, if I make my child objects NotUndoable there is no error.

I am pretty sure it is an infragistics problem and am working with them on it, but it seems to me someone other has to be using infragistics wingrid with csla and child objects. Is anyone other doing this that can help?


ajj3085 replied on Monday, December 17, 2007

Check out the project tracker sample from 3.0.3.  Databinding must be done exactly right or you'll get this problem. 

darshak replied on Sunday, May 24, 2009


I am using business object to bind with UltraWinGrid. Undo operation is working only when some changes are made in grid cell. If any new row is added to business object collection or removed from the collection, Undo operation is not working. I posted the same issue to infragistic and they are saying to enable, undo operation business object should support IEditable or ICancelable interface

can you please guid me how i can implement this in my business object.

Thanks in Advance.

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