Windows From Binding Problem

Windows From Binding Problem

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akhirudin posted on Thursday, August 14, 2008

Hallo all

I have problem on Binding my Objects into windows form at Design Time

my objets are:

Order (Root Object)

OrderDetails & OrderDetail (Read Only Collection & Child Object)

OrderShipment (Editable Object)

Order - OrderDetails (One to Many)

Order - OrderShipment (One to One)

an error occur on InitializeCompenent when setting the Grid that is Bind into OrderDetails datasource it's saying

DataMember property 'OrderShipment' cannot be found on the DataSource.

it is will run ok when I comment the line on the designer code, but i don't think that is a solution

I've googled and found similiars problem, here are some of them

but I have not found any solutions, Binding & Design the Grid at runtime would be my last choice, but I'm hoping someone here can help me

FYI: I'm using VB on VS2005 and CSLA 2.14



FatPigeon replied on Thursday, August 14, 2008

Have you tried removing the data souce from the data sources window and then re-adding it - then maybe resetting the datasource on your binding source?



akhirudin replied on Thursday, August 14, 2008

Hallo Patrick, yes I have...

I have event try recreate the user control from scratch and the problem persist



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