NameValueLists each copy from different databases

NameValueLists each copy from different databases

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BillArms posted on Monday, September 08, 2008

My scenario is this.  I have a web-based application which displays a set of Crystals reports against different databases.  Each of theses reports has 0 to 3 parameter tuples which are eithers a range, an upper limit or a lower limit.  The user will select the database, then the report and finally the parameters. The user interface needs to supply a single selectable list for the parameter tuple.  I opted to uses CSLA NVLs to populates the list-boxes for the parameters.  I will persist the NVL BOs in a session variable, unique to that report and database.

It is my intent to supply the database connection string as a parameter to the GetXxxxNVL factory method. I will wrap that string into the Criteria object and when I use the Dataportal_Fetch, I will use the connection string to set the the database.

My question is "Am I missing something?" I believe that by adding the database conn info to the Criteria the NVL caching will see each instance as unique.  Did I miss something else that may be cache the data and return the wrong dtat for the database?

Best Regards,

Michael Hildner replied on Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hope I understand you correctly. If things are set up the way the books describe, once you populate the NVL, the NVL will return that list - so it doesn't have to fetch from the database every time. You can always call the InvalidateCache() method to clear the list which will force a re-fetch from the DB.



BillArms replied on Monday, September 15, 2008

Thanks for the reply Mike.

I agree with what you say.

I think, if I am reading the code correctly, that the differing criteria result in multiple caches each of which should be returned when asked for with a unique set of criteria.

Is that your understanding?


Michael Hildner replied on Monday, September 15, 2008

I'm not sure what code you're reading. My NVL's only have one list object - that's what gets cached. If it's null it gets populated by whatever criteria. So if I need to re-fetch the NVL, I'll call the InvalidateCache() method first which sets the list to null, then fetch.

BillArms replied on Monday, September 15, 2008


I looked at the NVL code again and found that I was wrong.  There is only one cache not multiples.

Thank you for your insight,

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