Design Suggestions for AutoSave feature

Design Suggestions for AutoSave feature

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Jack posted on Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I need to implement a background auto-save process that runs off a timer.  I essentially keep a replicated copy of the data with different keys in the database and then remove it after a final save is done.  The data entry process can take a long time and with a web/silverlight implementation and the such it is an important piece.  I have a pre-defined key inplace at the creation of my objects for the new auto-save parent key so I can go and find the auto-save data if I need it.

Anyhow I thought there were two real options and I'm leaning to the first which seems the most simple:

1) Every x minutes I execute background commandBO and pass a copy of my BO and all associated BOLists.  The command object does a simple database insert/update over the previous autoSave data and returns success / fail. 


2) Every x minutes I set a 'IsAutoSaveFlag' call an async Save , reset the 'IsAutoSaveFlag' and let the dataportal handle things but I ignore whatever comes back.

The second option seems like lots of extra overhead etc but I'm wondering if anybody else implementing such a feature can recommend a reason why this may be a better choice.

Any other gotcha's out there?  I suppose I need to deal with what happens if the autosave takes too long or doesn't come back etc.



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