map .svc file type to aspnet_isapi.dll

map .svc file type to aspnet_isapi.dll

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Bob Bedell posted on Sunday, November 30, 2008

Can any one tell me how to map the WCF .svc file type to the aspnet_isapi.dll on IIS 7 (Vista)? Evenything on google seems to address IIS 6.

I'm getting:

"The remote server returned an unexpected response: (405) Method Not Allowed" when trying to access a WCF service, and assume its an aspnet_isapi.dll issue. Place to start anyway.



Paul Czywczynski replied on Sunday, November 30, 2008

You want to make sure you have "Windows Communication Foundation Non-HTTP Activation" checked off under the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 branch in the Windows Features dialog. This is found in the Tasks pane of the Programs and Features Control Panel applet.

If that doesn't work for you, a little bit of Google-fu turned this up:


Bob Bedell replied on Sunday, November 30, 2008

What would we do without Google-fu?

There were no HTTP Handlers set up for WCF services on my insatallation of IIS 7, so:
1. Open a command prompt in Vista with administrative priviledges.

2. Do:
   C:\>cd c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.0\Windows  Communication Foundation

   c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.0\Windows Communication Foundation>ServiceModelReg -i

3. Then all your WCF and WAS Http Handlers are installed:

Installing: Machine.config Section Groups and Handlers

Installing: System.Web Build Provider

Installing: System.Web Compilation Assemblies

Installing: HTTP Handlers

Installing: HTTP Modules

Installing: ListenerAdapter node for protocol net.tcp

Installing: Protocol node for protocol net.tcp

Installing: TransportConfiguration node for protocol net.tcp

Installing: ListenerAdapter node for protocol net.pipe

Installing: Protocol node for protocol net.pipe

Installing: TransportConfiguration node for protocol net.pipe

Installing: ListenerAdapter node for protocol net.msmq

Installing: Protocol node for protocol net.msmq

Installing: TransportConfiguration node for protocol net.msmq

Installing: ListenerAdapter node for protocol msmq.formatname

Installing: Protocol node for protocol msmq.formatname

Installing: TransportConfiguration node for protocol msmq.formatname

Installing: HTTP Modules (WAS)

Installing: HTTP Handlers (WAS)

Good to go!

Thanks Paul.

AndrewMyhre replied on Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Glad this helped Bob.

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