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rfcdejong posted on Tuesday, December 16, 2008


After searching the forums i saw some old posts, but didn't find what i was looking for.
I heard our managementteam talking about DDD and how wonderful it's.

But i'm just wondering as always. CSLA is 100% Model Driven Design.. i know

But does CSLA fit in with Domain Driven Design?

Evan already explained the differences, but that doesn't really isn't an answer.

Raymond de Jong

ajj3085 replied on Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hmm... from that link, it sounds to me like Csla is helping you do DDD.  The user cases are the tasks the users must accomplish, and dictate how the system does that.  We then code our objects around these use cases..

Maybe I'm missing something though, but given the examples in that link I'd say Csla is based around DDD, not MDD.

rfcdejong replied on Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The CSLA book 2.0 we have doesn't talk about "model driven" or "domain driven". On http://www.orbonyx.com/csla/ there is another link to http://www.orbonyx.com/csla/SignificantlysimplifiesModelDrivenDesign.html#Topic8 which explains that CSLA significantly simplifies MDD.

On http://stackoverflow.com/questions/80742/net-domain-driven-design-with-c#123551 there are some reply's about DDD and CSLA, but that's more about which book will go into details about the DDD theorie.

And i just found a blog from Derick Baileys, after reading it, it demotes me to continue with CSLA...

ajj3085 replied on Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Well, I don't know too much about DDD.  From that last link though, I'm not sure if it's something new or a new name for data driven design.  At any rate toward the bottom where the blogger answers four questions, his answers to #3 and 4 make me think that he doesn't really understand how to use Csla.  Rocky has specifically addressed those concerns here as well.  I disagree that Csla forces an active record pattern.   If you're building BOs that simply wrap table access, you're doing Csla wrong.

Of course, no one claimed Csla is always the best fit and that it can solve every problem either.  What I do know is that it works for me, and my application is much easier to maintain and has been scaling well so far.  I'd be careful about getting too caught up in religous debates and "purity."

rfcdejong replied on Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Most people are carefull in replying? Is there anyone using CSLA behind the DDD idea?

DDD = Domain Driven Design.

I know there are people totally in love with BDD (Behavior Driven Design) as a successor of TDD (Test Driven Design).

We aren't doing any of those yet, not even doing an agile way. Yes.. waterfalling :)

rhoeting replied on Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Scott Hanselman recently devoted a podcast to DDD,  Rob Conery was his guest.  Might be worth a listen.


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