CSLALight Local DataPortal with WCF service BLB Updating

CSLALight Local DataPortal with WCF service BLB Updating

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/6517.aspx

JimStone posted on Thursday, February 26, 2009

I am struggling with how to have a type inherited from BLB process updates when using WCF and a local dataportal

The SL client invokes BeginUpdate with invokes the BLB type's DataPortal_Update.

Then what?

Invoking Child_Update certainly executes the appropriate dataportal_*** method of each child, each of which invokes a WCF service to process its update. But I do not see how to tie the completion of them all to a ending method for _Update.

Having the BLB's DataPortal_Update invoke a service passing a dto of the entire list bypasses all the is it new, is it dirty, is it deleted logic of Child_Update.

Would someone please tell me what I am missing in understanding this.

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