CslaXml using DTOs and not DB

CslaXml using DTOs and not DB

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/6581.aspx

stepwise posted on Monday, March 09, 2009

Hey there,

I am new to CSLA.  I would like to leverate the CslaXml template for generating my business objects.

Basic tech design is as follows:

Data Layer consists of Data Objects that are managed using NHibernate.

Business Layer consists of Business Objects using CSLA Framework.

I am looking for some resources to better understand the MySample.xml structure and to know what my options are for generating a template.

The key difference is that my objects will be populated by obtaining Data Transfer Objects from the Data Layer rather than hitting a database.

If anyone can offer instruction (or where to find it) I would be most grateful.



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