BusinessBase inside Command is not passed back to the client

BusinessBase inside Command is not passed back to the client

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alexsychev posted on Monday, March 23, 2009

I have the following command:

   public class SaleTransactionRecallCommand : CommandBase
      private readonly int m_saleTransactionNo;

      private BusinessBase m_tran;

      #region Factory Methods

      public static BusinessBase RecallTransaction(int transactionNo)
         var cmd = new SaleTransactionRecallCommand(transactionNo);

         return cmd.m_tran;




DataPortal_Execute instantiates m_tran field as  one of the classes derived from BusinessBase<T>. However , after object is passed back to the client , m_tran remains null.
What is the problem here?

ajj3085 replied on Monday, March 23, 2009

You need to do cmd = DataPortal.Execute( cmd );

alexsychev replied on Monday, March 23, 2009

Oh, that's right. Thanks.

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