Looking for FAQ authors

Looking for FAQ authors

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/6784.aspx

RockfordLhotka posted on Monday, April 13, 2009

For a long time people have been looking for a Frequently Ask Questions (FAQ) for CSLA .NET.

This post is informational, but at the bottom there's also a request for your help.

My original intent with having articles on my web site (look at www.lhotka.net/cslanet to see a long list of content) was to answer questions. Somehow, even though there's a ton of content there, including a lot of "FAQ-like content", that hasn't met the need.

So a while ago we created a FAQ forum on the forums site. It turns out that I can't override the default date filtering for a forum though, so the answers "disappear", and can only be seen if someone changes the date filtering to see everything. In short, it didn't work either, and I've now removed it.

Along in there I also set up a wiki. But it was an open wiki, and became a spammer target that eventually brought down my server. Regardless, it had almost no content anyway, and so was of very little use. It is gone too.

Most recently, I set up a new wiki, but this one is closed. Well, public read-only, but to edit you need to log in. And this is where I consolidated the content from the FAQ forum, along with a bunch of other material - though I've tried to link to existing content rather than duplicate it, because the maintenance of this content is a pain, and duplication would make it far worse.


Having a FAQ is good, there's no doubt about it.

Yet having any content that duplicates what's in my books or videos is counter-productive, because those are the things that fund all my work on CSLA .NET. So anything that decreases the sales of that content is not good for any of us - not for me clearly, but also not good for anyone who wants CSLA .NET to remain viable into the future.

So the trick is to have a FAQ that provides good information, and hopefully points people to books/videos where the answers are there, and provides additional answers that aren't in the books/videos.

Finally, there's the matter of actually creating/maintaining the content. I'm extremely busy maintaining CSLA itself, as well as creating the previously mentioned books/videos. I obviously try to provide answers here on the forum as much as possible, and have put some content into the FAQ. Hopefully no one questions whether I value this community, or that I am willing to donate a lot of time and effort into it beyond the books and videos.

Where possible the FAQ should point to answers that are in the books/videos. If that's not possible (because many things aren't in the books/videos), pointing to forum posts/threads, or content on www.lhotka.net is idea. And where there is no such content, putting the answer directly into the FAQ wiki should address the issue.

But creating and maintaining a decent FAQ is really beyond what I can hope to accomplish without help. So here's my request.

I am looking for a few people (perhaps 2-4) that are willing to help build out, and maintain, the FAQ content. If you are interested, please let me know, thank you!

xAvailx replied on Monday, April 13, 2009

Love the idea, I often have many "recipe" questions and it is difficult to try to remember where I read it on the book, and the forum information that comes back from the search is sometimes out of date based on the CSLA version working with.

If possible, could you have some time of registration process to allow editing of the FAQ? Something that would dissuade most spammers, but yet not only allow a few to become the gatekeepers? I know I have a few tips/recipes can contribute with, but having to send it to someone for publishing on the wiki makes it less attractive time wise.

Also, I would suggest including in the content what version of CSLA the tip/faq applies to.

My $0.02

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