Best way to cache subset of parent BO's data [CSLALight]

Best way to cache subset of parent BO's data [CSLALight]

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Jack posted on Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I have a number of parent/child/grandchild BO relationships.  However I am often dealing with the set of grandchildren either as direct children of the parent or as children to the child.

Program / Site / Participants  or  Program / Participants or Site / Particiapnts

Anyhow whenever I do anything visual with the grandchild I need some of the ParentInfo otherwise the data doesn't mean anything.  My plan was to make a ProgramInfo ROB that contains that info.  I would then cache it. 

My first dilema is that I actually have multiple programs so I really need a ProgramInfoList ROBL that contains the data I need.

So - should I just get all the ProgramInfo Objects as a list and then do a lookup to get/refresh the data?  Can I do a NVL with <ProgramID, ProgramInfo>

It isn't a lot of data so I can definitely retrieve it up front for all programs.  If I do that though, where do I put it so that other BO's can get it?



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