Dynamic List Item Deletion with SilverLight

Dynamic List Item Deletion with SilverLight

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/7526.aspx

Gareth posted on Friday, August 28, 2009

Hi, I'm trying to implement a delete on a dynamic list item in Silverlight as per Demo007.
Clicking the Delete button fires the EditableRootListBase RemoveItem(int index) method, which in turn fires the BusinessBase public virtual void Delete() method, this then calls MarkDeleted method.
However I want to immediately delete this item from the database and remove it from the screen, where do I override the virtual Delete() method in order to do this?
I using a n-tier set-up so I assume it'll be somewhere in the Business.Client code so I can then make my async calls to the server.
Any ideas?


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