Problem with Data binding using Wizard Control. How to Keep track n level undo manually.

Problem with Data binding using Wizard Control. How to Keep track n level undo manually.

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PabloIng posted on Saturday, October 31, 2009

Hi friends. I use a wizard control in my windows app. My problem is when I press "Next" button in my first screen data I can´t save or can´t apply changes to businees object (bo1) because the user can click "Cancel" or "Previous" button from de second to first screen. So I need keep track bo1.BeginEdit, bo1.CancelEdit, bo1.ApplyEdit manually in my forst screen, but I get n level undo errors (copy state exceptions) when i finish with the wizard and have to save all data for all screen in atransactional way. The first screen is EditableRoot(bo1) and the scond screen is editableChild of bo1. Any ideas?
I am using 3.5.3 version
Regards Pablo

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