Dynamically configuring the WCF address in Silverlight app

Dynamically configuring the WCF address in Silverlight app

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/7979.aspx

DancesWithBamboo posted on Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I searched and saw some posts about dynamically configuring the client endpoint address but they were quite old and didn't seem to quite answer my question.

What I want to do is in the Application_Startup method of a Browser hosted Silverlight app; configure the endpoint address to match that of the hosting server's hostname.  I was wondering if this was directly possible through some properties in CSLA?  Creating a new proxy class seems like overkill for something that has to be really common.  I would think that most SL apps would want to communicate back to the same server they are hosted on.


DancesWithBamboo replied on Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Oh bother.  I didn't realize that subclassing WCFProxy and setting DataPortalUrl in it would take all of 2 minutes.


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