Using Linq in Sliverlight with CSLA ListBase Object

Using Linq in Sliverlight with CSLA ListBase Object

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zhengokusa posted on Monday, January 04, 2010

I am very new to Linq.

Today, I was trying to use Linq in silverlight code behind together with ListBase object

For example, my dataportal will get all customers from database, then in the silverlight UI

I would like to do some filtering work such as only show customers who had first name starts with letter "A" and then bind the filtered data to a datagrid.

public void BindDataGrid()
            CslaDataProvider provider = this.DataContext as CslaDataProvider;
            ROCustomers customers = provider.Data as ROCustomers;

            var customers= from customer in customers where customer.FirstName.StartsWith("A")
                           select customer;

            CustomerDG.ItemsSource = customers.ToArray();

This code seems work, but I am not very confident at this point. I would like to seek your input on this manner



RockfordLhotka replied on Monday, January 04, 2010

On Silverlight CSLA does nothing special with LINQ. So you will get standard LINQ to Objects behaviors - which means the result of a query is an IEnumerable<T>.

This means that if you add or remove items from the query result they will NOT be added or removed from the real list, and so the add/remove operation won't be persisted when you save the real collection.

Also, IEnumerable<T> doesn't raise any changed events unless you use it to create a new ObservableCollection<T>.

Otherwise you can bind the IEnumerable<T> result to the UI and it should work pretty well.

zhengokusa replied on Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Thank you for the answer.



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