Is the Roadmap for the (Windows) video series still correct?

Is the Roadmap for the (Windows) video series still correct?

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Luzius posted on Thursday, February 25, 2010

Hi Rocky,

I was wondering whether the roadmap for the new Video-Series (for me most interestingly the segments about WPF and MVC) is still correct? The roadmap currently states Q1 2010.

I was also wondering wheter you already know how the series will be priced.

Thanks Luzius

RockfordLhotka replied on Thursday, February 25, 2010

No, I need to updated the roadmap.

The impending release of VS10 and .NET 4 and SL4 make this a bad time to release video or ebook content. If I produce content on VS08 and .NET 3.5 and SL3 it will have a lifespan of perhaps 2 months - which isn't good...

As I mentioned in another thread, I am very actively working on the XAML/MVVM video content - but have decided to produce it in March (or so) using a combination of VS08 and VS10. But I really can't do that video until there's at least a version of SL4 that works with VS10 RC.

In terms of ASP.NET MVC, CSLA 4 will have some nice support for working with MVC 2, and I'd rather create content on that model, partially because MVC 2 is the new version, but more because CSLA 4 provides a much more compelling story around using MVC due to the new CslaModelBinder and Controller classes.

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