Could someone please tell me if this is a vaild use of a child BLB object...

Could someone please tell me if this is a vaild use of a child BLB object...

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AdamJones posted on Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Is it valid to have a child BLB class that is used by a number of different parent classes?

For example I have an Employee class that has a child BLB of Absences (EmployeeAbsences), I have then got an EmployeeAbsenceMonth class which has a child BLB of the same type for each day of the month.

I'm aware that this might seem slightly odd but I need to bring the data into such a class in order to be able to bind a DataGridView to it.

The child objects only ever exist in one list,  separate copies are created for each parent.

The reason i ask is that i get a stack overflow exception when i call the .Parent property of EmployeeAbsences.



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