Error: TCP error code 10048: Only one usage of each socket address

Error: TCP error code 10048: Only one usage of each socket address

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MichelRenaud posted on Tuesday, June 01, 2010


We've been getting this error for the past few days - ever since we deployed a test version for the users, actually: TCP error code 10048: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted

This does not seem to happen on our development machines for some reason.  I've looked at various threads on StackOverflow and MSDN, but haven't found anything there that could possibly help since here it is really CSLA that's taking care of all the plumbing.

Anyone has an idea as to what we can check - be it on the client or server side - to resolve this?  The Net.TCP service is deployed as a Windows Service (the server is Windows Server 2003).


RockfordLhotka replied on Tuesday, June 01, 2010

You might need to use fiddler or other network monitor app to see what's going on. I assume you are using WCF? It is probably something to do with WCF or your service implementation that's causing a port conflict.

MichelRenaud replied on Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Hi Rockford,

Yes, we are using WCF (though I've renamed it internally to "WTF", which I find more suiting - hehe).  Alright so most likely it's the WCF configuration section, or the way the Windows Service was configured.  We did our best with this stuff - it's not easy finding good answers to questions about WCF.  What really sucks trying to troubleshoot the problem is that to test any solution, we have to redeploy the service and have the users try it since it doesn't happen on our own machines.

If anyone has suggestions for specific areas to focus on, please feel free to reply.  We're using CSLA 3.0, by the way (if that makes any difference.)


Jaans replied on Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Hi Michel

We've just started to see this error in production for a new ASP.NET MVC based website front-end, which calls to a remote CSLA data portal host on another server using WCF Proxy over NET TCP.

The errors are happening on the client side (not server side) for us. Still no clue as to why yet...

Please post if anyone has any past experiences with this.


Jaans replied on Tuesday, July 09, 2013

These links might relate:

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