Upgrade path (csla 1.1 --> csla 2.0 or csla 4.0, which one, what are the issues, what should I read?)

Upgrade path (csla 1.1 --> csla 2.0 or csla 4.0, which one, what are the issues, what should I read?)

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/9113.aspx

SteveK posted on Monday, June 21, 2010

We currently have a winforms application written in vb.net 2003 (using CSLA  1.x )

We are migrating to .net 2005 or 2010 depending on the effort required.

My questions are:

1. Has anyone had any experience with this and can offer some advice? (not only CSLA but .net itself)

2. If we migrate to 2010, we need CSLA 4.0   When might this be out of beta?  Would you wait until it is?

3. What CSLA books are recommended?  As there are currently no 2010 (CSLA 4.0) books, should we purchase the 3.x books or wait for the 4.x books?





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