CSLA 4.1.0 - RegisterProperty on ReadOnlyBase has no overload to set RelationshipTypes

CSLA 4.1.0 - RegisterProperty on ReadOnlyBase has no overload to set RelationshipTypes

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/9864.aspx

Jaans posted on Sunday, December 12, 2010

I've started our mainline transition to CSLA 4.0 (which includes our own in-house code generation using a DSL Language).

I've added support for the new RelationshipTypes parameter used by some of the RegisterProperty overloads and it works great!

However, I ran into an issue when using a private backing field for a property of a ReadOnlyBase object. The RegisterProperty method available does not have overloads available for me to set the RelationshipTypes.PrivateField (or RelationshipTypes.Child for that matter, though Child is not that meaningful for in a ReadOnlyBase scenario as there aren't any updates).

If I do not specify the RelationshipTypes.PrivateField, then the GetProperty( Property, _backingField) barks at me about the fact that the property was not marked with RelationshipTypes.PrivateField.

Could the overloads be added to 4.1.0 before RTM?

Many thanks

JonnyBee replied on Monday, December 13, 2010

Hi Jaans,

Thanks for reporting this. See:  http://www.lhotka.net/cslabugs/edit_bug.aspx?id=869 

I have added the overloads to ReadOnlyBase - you may update to get the latest versjon directly  from the repository.


Jaans replied on Monday, December 13, 2010


Thanks for the quick turnaround.

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