Samples Missing Files

Samples Missing Files

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csmith1 posted on Monday, January 03, 2011

I can't find a number of files referenced in the solution for 4.1.0\Sampes\NET\cs\ExtedableWcfPortalForDotNet.

 Rolodex.WPF\Bootstrapper.cs, Constants.cs.

The Events, Module folders are empty...

Is there a reason the files are missing?


JonnyBee replied on Monday, January 03, 2011


That sample has not been updated for Csla 4. We are considering to remove this sample from the samples download.

csmith1 replied on Monday, January 03, 2011

Can you recommend an updated sample that demonstrates the dataportal .net\WPF using WCF?

JonnyBee replied on Monday, January 03, 2011

SimpleNTier uses the DataPortal and has several types of UI, including WPF, WindowsForms, WindowsPhone, Silverlight and ASP.NET MVC.

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