CSLA.NET 5.4.2
CSLA .NET is a software development framework that helps you build a reusable, maintainable object-oriented business layer for your app.
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 CCsla.Server.Dashboard.ActivityInformation about a server-side data portal invocation
 CCsla.Threading.AsyncManualResetEventAsync/await implementation of a ManualResetEvent
 CCsla.Rules.AuthorizationRuleManagerManages the list of authorization rules for a business type
 CCsla.Security.AuthorizationRulesAdd object level rules
 CCsla.Server.AuthorizeRequestObject containing information about the client request to the data portal
 CCsla.Axml.Binding.BindingManagerProvides the ability to bing properties on Axml controls to properties on CSLA objects
 CCsla.Iosui.Binding.BindingManagerProvides the ability to bing properties on iOS UI controls to properties on CSLA objects
 CCsla.Windows.BindingSourceNodeMaintains a reference to a BindingSource object on the form
 CCsla.Rules.BrokenRulesNodeHolds broken rules for an Node in the BrokenRulesTree
 CCsla.BrokeredDataPortalHost.BrokeredHostBrokered assembly entry point for the data portal
 CCsla.Server.Hosts.BrokeredPortalData portal to be invoked by the brokered data portal proxy/host implementation
 CCsla.Rules.BusinessRuleManagerManages the list of rules for a business type
 CCsla.Server.ChildDataPortalInvoke data portal methods on child objects
 CCsla.Configuration.ConnectionStringSettingsInformation about a connection string
 CCsla.Server.Hosts.WcfChannel.CreateRequestRequest message for creating a new business object
 CCsla.CriteriaBase< SingleCriteria< C > >
 CCsla.CriteriaBase< UsernameCriteria >
 CCsla.Server.Hosts.Mobile.CriteriaRequestMessage sent to the WCF data portal
 CCsla.Configuration.CslaConfigurationOptionsContains configuration options which can be loaded using dot net core configuration subsystem
 CCsla.Configuration.CslaDataConfigurationUse this type to configure the settings for the CSLA .NET data portal
 CCsla.Configuration.CslaDataPortalConfigurationUse this type to configure the settings for the CSLA .NET data portal
 CCsla.Configuration.CslaDataPortalConfigurationOptionsUse this type to configure the settings for the CSLA .NET data portal using dot net core
 CCsla.Configuration.CslaSecurityConfigurationUse this type to configure the settings for security
 CCsla.Configuration.CslaSerializationConfigurationUse this type to configure the settings for serialization
 CCsla.Blazor.Client.Authentication.CslaUserServiceExpose Csla.ApplicationContext.User for use in Blazor authentication pages
 CCsla.Data.DataMapDefines a mapping between two sets of properties/fields for use by DataMapper
 CCsla.Server.DataPortalExceptionHandlerThis class provides a hoook for developers to add custom error handling in the DataPortal
 CCsla.DataPortalClient.DataPortalProxyDescriptorDescribes the data portal proxy for use by a specific business object type
 CCsla.Data.DataServiceContextManager< C >Provides an automated way to reuse an ADO.NET Data Services context object within the context of a single data portal operation
 CCsla.Server.Hosts.WcfChannel.DeleteRequestRequest message for deleting a business object
 CCsla.Core.ExtendedBindingList< C >
 CCsla.Server.Hosts.WcfChannel.FetchRequestRequest message for retrieving an existing business object
 CCsla.Server.Hosts.HttpPortalExposes server-side DataPortal functionality through HTTP request/response
 CCsla.Rules.IAuthorizationContextImplemented by objects which provide context information to an authorization rule when it is invoked
 CCsla.Rules.IAuthorizationRuleInterface defining an authorization rule implementation
 CCsla.Server.IAuthorizeDataPortalInterface to be implemented by a custom authorization provider
 CCsla.Security.IAuthorizeReadWriteDefines the authorization interface through which an object can indicate which properties the current user can read and write
 CCsla.Core.IBusinessObjectThis is the core interface implemented by all CSLA .NET base classes
 CCsla.Rules.IBusinessRuleBaseInterface defining a business/validation rule implementation
 CCsla.Rules.IBusinessRulesPublic interfacefor IBusinessRules
 CCsla.Security.ICheckRolesInterface defining an object that checks IsInRole
 CCsla.Core.ICheckRulesDefines the common methods for any business object which exposes means to supress and check business rules
 CCsla.Core.IContextManagerDefines the interface for an application context manager type
 CCsla.Configuration.ICslaBuilderDefine CSLA .NET service builder
 CCsla.Configuration.ICslaConfigurationUse this type to configure the settings for CSLA .NET
 CCsla.Serialization.Mobile.ICslaReaderRepresents a reader class that can be used to read the data sent across the wire in byte array format when communicating between server and client in both directions
 CCsla.Serialization.Mobile.ICslaWriterRepresents a class that can be used to write a list of SerializationInfo objects into a stream, typically MemoryStream
 CCsla.IDataPortal< T >Interface defining the members of the data portal type
 CCsla.Server.IDataPortalActivatorDefines a type used to activate concrete business instances
 CCsla.Server.IDataPortalExceptionInspectorImplement this interface to check a DataPortalException before returning Exception to the client
 CCsla.IDataPortalFactoryDefines a data portal service used to get an access to a client-side data portal instance
 CCsla.IDataPortalResultIDataPortalResult defines the results of DataPortal operation
 CCsla.Server.IDataPortalServerInterface implemented by server-side data portal components
 CCsla.Core.IdentityManagerUsed by the root object in a graph to manage the object instance identity values for the graph
 CCsla.Xaml.IErrorDialogInterface defining the interaction between a CslaDataSource and an error dialog control
 CCsla.Rules.IHostRulesDefines the interaction between the rules engine and a business object that hosts the rules
 CCsla.Server.IInterceptDataPortalImplement this interface to create a data portal interceptor that is notified each time the data portal is invoked and completes processing
 CCsla.Core.IMemberInfoMaintains metadata about a method or property
 CCsla.Server.Hosts.Mobile.IMobileFactoryLoaderDefines an interface to be implemented by a factory object that returns MobileFactory objects based on the MobileFactory attributes used to decorate CSLA Light business objects
 CCsla.Serialization.Mobile.IMobileObjectInterface to be implemented by any object that supports serialization by the SerializationFormatterFactory.GetFormatter()
 CCsla.Server.Hosts.Mobile.IMobileRequestInterface for all requests from client
 CCsla.Web.Mvc.IModelCreatorASP.NET MVC model creator
 CCsla.Core.INotifyChildChangedImplemented by classes that notify when a child object has changed
 CCsla.Core.INotifyUnhandledAsyncExceptionImplemented by an object that perfoms asynchronous operations that may raise exceptions
 CCsla.Server.InterceptArgsArguments parameter passed to the interceptor methods
 CCsla.Server.IObjectFactoryLoaderDefines an interface to be implemented by a factory loader object that returns ObjectFactory objects based on the ObjectFactory attributes used to decorate CSLA .NET business objects
 CCsla.Core.IObservableBindingListDefines additional elements for an ObservableCollection as required by CSLA .NET
 CCsla.Core.IParentDefines the interface that must be implemented by any business object that contains child objects
 CCsla.Blazor.IPropertyInfoExposes metastate for a property
 CCsla.Core.IPropertyInfoFactoryDefines the interface for a factory object that creates IPropertyInfo objects
 CCsla.Core.IReportTotalRowCountImplement this interface in a collection to report a total row count to Csla.Web.CslaDataSource, where that row count is different from the collection's normal Count property value
 CCsla.Rules.IRuleContextContext information provided to a business rule when it is invoked
 CCsla.Core.ISavable< T >Specifies that the object can save itself
 CCsla.Serialization.ISerializationFormatterDefines an object that can serialize and deserialize object graphs
 CCsla.Serialization.Mobile.ISerializationNotificationInterface defining callback methods used by the SerializationFormatterFactory.GetFormatter()
 CCsla.Core.ISmartFieldDefines members required for smart data types that understand the concept of being empty, and representing an empty value as an empty string
 CCsla.Core.ISupportUndoDefine the common methods used by the UI to interact with n-level undo
 CCsla.Core.IUndoableObjectDefines the methods required to participate in n-level undo within the CSLA .NET framework
 CCsla.Web.Mvc.IViewModelDefines a CSLA .NET MVC viewmodel object
 CCsla.Xaml.IViewModelDefines a CSLA .NET viewmodel object
 CCsla.Server.Hosts.IWcfPortalDefines the service contract for the WCF data portal
 CCsla.Server.Hosts.Mobile.IWcfPortalDefines the service contract for the WCF data portal
 CCsla.Reflection.LateBoundObjectEnables simple invocation of methods against the contained object using late binding
 CCsla.LazySingleton< T >An alternative to Lazy<T>
 CCsla.Server.Hosts.Mobile.MobileRequestProcessorObject that processes all the requests from a client
 CCsla.Server.Hosts.Mobile.MobileResponseObject that encompasses the resut of the request from a client
 CCsla.Data.ObjectAdapterAn ObjectAdapter is used to convert data in an object or collection into a DataTable
 CCsla.Server.ObjectFactoryBase class to be used when creating a data portal factory object
 CCsla.Core.ObservableBindingList< C >
 CCsla.ReadOnlyBase< CriteriaRequest >
 CCsla.ReadOnlyBase< DataPortalErrorInfo >
 CCsla.ReadOnlyBase< DataPortalResponse >
 CCsla.ReadOnlyBase< UpdateRequest >
 CCsla.Core.ReadOnlyBindingList< NameValueListBase< K, V >.NameValuePair >
 CCsla.Core.ReadOnlyObservableBindingList< BrokenRule >
 CCsla.Properties.ResourcesA strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc
 CCsla.Validation.RuleArgsObject providing extra information to methods that implement business rules
 CCsla.Rules.RuleResultContains information about the result of a rule
 CCsla.Rules.RuleUriParses a rule:// URI to provide easy access to the parts of the URI
 CCsla.Data.ServiceClientManager< C, T >Provides an automated way to reuse a service client proxy objects within the context of a single data portal operation
 CCsla.Reflection.ServiceProviderMethodInfoClass that contains cached metadata about data portal method to be invoked
 CCsla.SingleCriteria< C >
 CCsla.Server.Hosts.Mobile.UpdateRequestMessage sent to the WCF data portal
 CCsla.Server.Hosts.WcfChannel.UpdateRequestRequest message for updating a business object
 CCsla.Blazor.ViewModel< T >Base type for creating your own viewmodel
 CCsla.Server.Hosts.Mobile.WcfErrorInfoMessage containing details about any server-side exception
 CCsla.Server.Hosts.Mobile.WcfResponseResponse message returned from the WCF data portal methods
 CCsla.Server.Hosts.WcfChannel.WcfResponseResponse message for returning the results of a data portal call