CSLA.NET 5.4.2
CSLA .NET is a software development framework that helps you build a reusable, maintainable object-oriented business layer for your app.
Here are the packages with brief descriptions (if available):
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 CBusinessBaseThis is the base class from which most business objects will be derived
 CBusinessBindingListBaseThis is the base class from which most business collections or lists will be derived
 CBusinessListBaseThis is the base class from which most business collections or lists will be derived
 CCommandBaseThis is the base class from which command objects will be derived
 CCreateAttributeSpecifies a method used by the server-side data portal to initialize a new domain object
 CCreateChildAttributeSpecifies a method used by the server-side data portal to initialize a new child object
 CCriteriaBaseBase type from which Criteria classes can be derived in a business class
 CDataPortalThis is the client-side DataPortal
 CDataPortalChildOperationAttributeBase type for data portal child operation attributes
 CDataPortalEventArgsProvides information about the DataPortal call
 CDataPortalExceptionThis exception is returned for any errors occurring during the server-side DataPortal invocation
 CDataPortalOperationAttributeBase type for data portal operation attributes
 CDataPortalResultDataPortalResult defines the results of DataPortal operation
 CDataPortalRootOperationAttributeBase type for data portal root operation attributes
 CDataPortalServerResourceAttributeSpecifies a server resource required by a business type so the data portal can route any calls to the correct server
 CDataPortalServerRoutingTagAttributeSpecifies a routing tag for use by the server-side data portal
 CDeleteAttributeSpecifies a method used by the server-side data portal to delete domain object data during an update operation
 CDeleteSelfAttributeSpecifies a method used by the server-side data portal to delete domain object data during an explicit delete operation
 CDeleteSelfChildAttributeSpecifies a method used by the server-side data portal to delete child object data during an update operation
 CDynamicBindingListBaseThis is the base class from which collections of editable root business objects should be derived
 CDynamicListBaseThis is the base class from which collections of editable root business objects should be derived
 CExecuteAttributeSpecifies a method used by the server-side data portal to execute a command object
 CExecuteChildAttributeSpecifies a method used by the server-side data portal to execute a child command object during an update operation
 CFetchAttributeSpecifies a method used by the server-side data portal to load existing data into the domain object
 CFetchChildAttributeSpecifies a method used by the server-side data portal to load existing data into the child object
 CFilteredBindingListProvides a filtered view into an existing IList(Of T)
 CIBusinessBaseConsolidated interface of public elements from the BusinessBase type
 CIBusinessListBaseThis is the base class from which most business collections or lists will be derived
 CICommandBaseThis is the base class from which command objects will be derived
 CIDataPortalInterface defining the members of the data portal type
 CIDataPortalFactoryDefines a data portal service used to get an access to a client-side data portal instance
 CIDataPortalResultIDataPortalResult defines the results of DataPortal operation
 CInjectAttributeSpecifies a parameter that is provided via dependency injection
 CInsertAttributeSpecifies a method used by the server-side data portal to insert domain object data during an update operation
 CInsertChildAttributeSpecifies a method used by the server-side data portal to insert child object data during an update operation
 CIReadOnlyBaseThis is a base class from which readonly business classes can be derived
 CIReadOnlyListBaseThis is the base class from which readonly collections of readonly objects should be derived
 CLazySingletonAn alternative to Lazy<T>
 CLinqObservableCollectionSynchronized view over a source list, filtered, sorted and ordered based on a query result
 CMethodInfoMaintains metadata about a method
 CNameValueListBaseThis is the base class from which readonly name/value collections should be derived
 CNotUndoableAttributeMarks a field to indicate that the value should not be copied as part of the undo process
 CObjectAuthorizationRulesAttributeAttribute identifying static method invoked to add object authorization rules for type
 CPropertyInfoMaintains metadata about a property
 CPropertyLoadExceptionException indicating a failure to set a property's field
 CReadOnlyBaseThis is a base class from which readonly business classes can be derived
 CReadOnlyBindingListBaseThis is the base class from which readonly collections of readonly objects should be derived
 CReadOnlyListBaseThis is the base class from which readonly collections of readonly objects should be derived
 CRunLocalAttributeMarks a DataPortal_XYZ method to be run on the client even if the server-side DataPortal is configured for remote use
 CSingleCriteriaA single-value criteria used to retrieve business objects that only require one criteria value
 CSmartDateProvides a date data type that understands the concept of an empty date value
 CSortedBindingListProvides a sorted view into an existing IList(Of T)
 CTransactionalAttributeMarks a DataPortal_XYZ method to run within the specified transactional context
 CUpdateAttributeSpecifies a method used by the server-side data portal to update domain object data during an update operation
 CUpdateChildAttributeSpecifies a method used by the server-side data portal to update child object data during an update operation