CSLA.NET 6.0.0
CSLA .NET is a software development framework that helps you build a reusable, maintainable object-oriented business layer for your app.
Csla.Rules.CommonRules Namespace Reference


class  CommonBusinessRule
 Base class used to create common rules. More...
class  DataAnnotation
 Business rule that encapsulates a DataAnnotations ValidationAttribute rule. More...
class  Dependency
 A rule that establishes a dependency between two properties. More...
class  InfoMessage
 Adds an information message to a property. More...
class  IsInRole
 IsInRole authorization rule. More...
class  IsNotInRole
 IsNotInRole authorization rule. More...
class  Lambda
 A business rule defined by a lambda expression. More...
class  MaxLength
 Business rule for a maximum length string. More...
class  MaxValue
 Business rule for a maximum value. More...
class  MinLength
 Business rule for a minimum length string. More...
class  MinValue
 Business rule for a minimum value. More...
class  RegExMatch
 Business rule that evaluates a regular expression. More...
class  Required
 Business rule for a required string. More...