CSLA.NET 6.0.0
CSLA .NET is a software development framework that helps you build a reusable, maintainable object-oriented business layer for your app.
Csla.Serialization Namespace Reference


namespace  Mobile


class  AutoNonSerializedAttribute
 Indicate that a public field or property should be excluded from auto serialization More...
class  AutoSerializableAttribute
 Indicate that a type should be auto serialized More...
class  AutoSerializedAttribute
 Indicate that a non-public field or property should be included in auto serialization More...
class  BinaryFormatterWrapper
 Wraps the BinaryFormatter in the ISerializationFormatter interface so it can be used in a standardized manner. More...
interface  ISerializationFormatter
 Defines an object that can serialize and deserialize object graphs. More...
class  NetDataContractSerializerWrapper
 Wraps the NetDataContractSerializer in the ISerializationFormatter interface so it can be used in a standardized manner. More...
class  SerializationFormatterFactory
 Factory used to create the appropriate serialization formatter object based on the application configuration.