CSLA.NET 6.0.0
CSLA .NET is a software development framework that helps you build a reusable, maintainable object-oriented business layer for your app.
Csla.Server Namespace Reference


namespace  Dashboard
namespace  Hosts
namespace  Interceptors


class  ActiveAuthorizer
 Implementation of the authorizer that checks per-type authorization rules for each request. More...
class  AuthorizeRequest
 Object containing information about the client request to the data portal. More...
class  ChildDataPortal
 Invoke data portal methods on child objects. More...
class  ChildDataPortalFactory
 Get an access to a Child data portal instance. More...
class  DataPortal
 Implements the server-side DataPortal message router as discussed in Chapter 4. More...
class  DataPortalBroker
 Allows the Data Portal call to be intercepted by a custom IDataPortalServer implementation. More...
class  DataPortalContext
 Provides consistent context information between the client and server DataPortal objects. More...
class  DataPortalException
 This exception is returned from the server-side DataPortal and contains the exception and context data from the server. More...
class  DataPortalExceptionHandler
 This class provides a hook for developers to add custom error handling in the DataPortal. More...
class  DataPortalMethodCache
class  DataPortalMethodInfo
class  DataPortalMethodNames
class  DataPortalResult
 Returns data from the server-side DataPortal to the client-side DataPortal. More...
class  DataPortalSelector
 Selects the appropriate data portal implementation to invoke based on the object and configuration. More...
class  DataPortalTarget
class  DefaultDataPortalActivator
class  DefaultExceptionInspector
 Default implementation of exception inspector.
class  EmptyCriteria
 Empty criteria used by the data portal as a placeholder for a create/fetch request that has no criteria. More...
class  FactoryDataPortal
 Server-side data portal implementation that invokes an object factory rather than directly interacting with the business object. More...
class  GenericBusinessException
 This exception is returned as BusinessException in DataPortalException when the serverside/inner exception is not serializable More...
interface  IAuthorizeDataPortal
 Interface to be implemented by a custom authorization provider. More...
interface  IDataPortalActivator
 Defines a type used to activate concrete business instances. More...
interface  IDataPortalExceptionInspector
 Implement this interface to check a DataPortalException before returning Exception to the client. More...
interface  IDataPortalServer
 Interface implemented by server-side data portal components. More...
interface  IDataPortalTarget
interface  IInterceptDataPortal
 Implement this interface to create a data portal interceptor that is notified each time the data portal is invoked and completes processing. More...
class  InterceptArgs
 Arguments parameter passed to the interceptor methods. More...
class  InterceptorManager
 Manage dataportal interception using DI-registered implementations More...
interface  IObjectFactoryLoader
 Defines an interface to be implemented by a factory loader object that returns ObjectFactory objects based on the ObjectFactory attributes used to decorate CSLA .NET business objects. More...
class  MobileFactoryAttribute
 Specifies that the WCF data portal should invoke a factory object rather than the business object. More...
class  NullAuthorizer
 Implementation of the authorizer that allows all data portal calls to pass. More...
class  NullCriteria
 Null criteria used by the data portal as a placeholder for a create/fetch request that has a single null criteria parameter. More...
class  ObjectFactory
 Base class to be used when creating a data portal factory object. More...
class  ObjectFactoryAttribute
 Specifies that the data portal should invoke a factory object rather than the business object. More...
class  ObjectFactoryLoader
 Class containing the default implementation for the FactoryLoader delegate used by the data portal host. More...
class  SanitizingExceptionInspector
 Sanitizing implementation of exception inspector, for hiding sensitive information in exception details. More...
class  ServerException
 Sanitized server-side data portal exception; used to avoid the transmission of sensitive server-side information to the client in remote data portal operations More...
class  ServicedDataPortalReadCommitted
 Implements the server-side Serviced DataPortal described in Chapter 4. More...
class  ServicedDataPortalReadUncommitted
 Implements the server-side Serviced DataPortal described in Chapter 4. More...
class  ServicedDataPortalRepeatableRead
 Implements the server-side Serviced DataPortal described in Chapter 4. More...
class  ServicedDataPortalSerializable
 Implements the server-side Serviced DataPortal described in Chapter 4. More...
class  SimpleDataPortal
 Implements the server-side DataPortal as discussed in Chapter 4. More...
class  TransactionalDataPortal
 Implements the server-side Serviced DataPortal described in Chapter 4. More...