CSLA.NET 6.0.0
CSLA .NET is a software development framework that helps you build a reusable, maintainable object-oriented business layer for your app.
Csla.Xaml Namespace Reference


class  ApplicationContextManager
 ApplicationContextManager for WPF applications More...
class  BrokenRuleSeverityConverter
 Converts validation severity values into corresponding images. More...
class  BusyAnimation
 Displays a busy animation. More...
class  CslaDataProvider
 Wraps and creates a CSLA .NET-style object that you can use as a binding source. More...
class  CslaDataProviderCommandManager
 Implements support for RoutedCommands that can be executed by the CslaDataProvider control. More...
class  DataDecoratorBase
 Base class for creating WPF panel controls that react when the DataContext, data object and data property values are changed. More...
class  ErrorDialog
 Displays an error dialog for any exceptions that occur in a CslaDataProvider. More...
class  ErrorEventArgs
 Contains information about the error that has occurred. More...
class  ExecuteEventArgs
 Arguments passed to a method invoked by the Execute trigger action. More...
class  IdentityConverter
 Provides the functionality of a WPF value converter without affecting the value as it flows to and from the UI. More...
interface  IErrorDialog
 Interface defining the interaction between a CslaDataSource and an error dialog control. More...
class  InvokeMethod
 Invokes a method on a target object when a trigger event is raised from the attached UI control. More...
class  IsNotConverter
 Converts a Boolean value into its inverse. More...
interface  IViewModel
 Defines a CSLA .NET viewmodel object. More...
class  ObjectStatus
 Container for other UI controls that exposes various status values from the CSLA .NET business object acting as DataContext. More...
class  PropertyInfo
 Expose metastate information about a property. More...
class  PropertyStatus
 Displays validation information for a business object property, and manipulates an associated UI control based on the business object's authorization rules. More...
class  TriggerAction
 Control used to invoke a method on the DataContext based on an event being raised by a UI control. More...
class  ViewModel
 Base class used to create ViewModel objects, with pre-existing verbs for use by InvokeMethod or Invoke. More...
class  ViewModelBase
 Base class used to create ViewModel objects that implement their own commands/verbs/actions. More...