Hi, I would like to make a root object not editable based on a member value. For example if an Invoice has been completed then I would like users to be able to view the invoice but not make any edits to it.
What would be the recommended practise to achieve this?
I have something very similar (Purchase Order instead of Invoice) - and I went with 2 different objects. The "working purchase order" allowed changes to line items (qty ordered, part #, etc) and didn't necessary have all the fields of a regular Purchase Order object (PO number, current status of the various line items (partially received, backordered, etc).
Although the data is stored in the same physical tables, breaking the logic into 2 different objects was definitely the way to go. There's a formal process that actually "converts" a working purchase order into a regular purchase order (one that has been finalized, assigned a PO#, and transmitted to the vendor).
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