ReportView & Datasources Question

ReportView & Datasources Question

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PeterRigbye posted on Thursday, August 24, 2006

Having major hassles trying to get data into the web reportveiwer control, and looking for any suggestions on getting round this.

Seems I have to create the BO in the app_code directory, while the rest of my objects reside in a separate project - no big deal. Problem is that I cannot get the object to appear in the datasources window at design-time. BTW, object inherits from ReadOnlyBase wihich has some properties but also holds a collection class (from ReadonlyListBase) for the lines.

Have even tried using the ObjectAdapter to create a dataset from this - still no joy.

Without being able to see the various properties, I can't use the IDE to put the fields onto the report in design mode, and don't see another way to make them available.

Other than manually creating datasets from a datareader, I can't see a way forward.

Anyone have any suggestions?




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