Is RemotingProxy deprecated in CSLA4?

Is RemotingProxy deprecated in CSLA4?

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tiago posted on Monday, February 07, 2011

Hi Rocky,

In the UsingCsla4-03-DataAccess ebook I noticed that on Chapter 5: Data Portal Configuration you aren't planning to cover DataPortal configuration for RemotingProxy although it's still supported by CSLA4. Or is it?


RockfordLhotka replied on Monday, February 07, 2011

I almost pulled it out of CSLA 4 and put it into the Samples folder (along with the asmx and Enterprise Services proxy/host pairs). I just ran out of time to do that and didn't want to delay the release.

So yes, it is basically deprecated.

If remoting is working for you and is useful, by all means keep using it. But Microsoft shifted all their efforts to WCF years ago, and I've followed their lead.

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