Prism example utilizing Csla

Prism example utilizing Csla

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CyclingFoodmanPA posted on Friday, February 11, 2011

Hi All,

Any chance of a Prism example utilizing Csla coming down the pike soon?  I was looking at the old Rolodex using the Composite Application Guidance, but now that Prism 4.0 is out, it would be awesome to see an example utilizing it.  And if it could be the PTracker application, that would be great.  The Rolodex would be good also, but PTracker is the "Csla Gold Standard" in my opinion!

Again, thanks for a great framework.  Yea, we keep asking for more stuff, but that is the developer in me!



lukky replied on Friday, February 11, 2011

+1 Big Smile

JonnyBee replied on Saturday, February 12, 2011


I wouldn't expect the official Samples download to provide you with ProjectTracker for Prism, but you may submit/contribute on CslaContrib.

In the Branches folder you will still find:

* ProjectTrackerNHibernate and
* ProjectTrackerPrism (using csla 3.7 and Prism v2)

any help in updating or submitting new samples and smart code is welcome!

RockfordLhotka replied on Saturday, February 12, 2011

Jonny is correct. In general, the Samples folder contains samples showing how to use CSLA with official Microsoft products. Examples of working with other open source or third party products are usually only in CslaContrib.

Rolodex is an exception to the rule, and occurred because Sergey had the time and interest to make it happen as part of an earlier release. Really I should have redirected that to CslaContrib too though.

CyclingFoodmanPA replied on Sunday, February 13, 2011

Hey Rocky, Johnny Bee

I did check CslaContrib and did find some MEF extensions to the Csla classes and that  may help with my decision to use MEF or Unity.  Have to check them over in more detail and get my head around MEF a little more but that should help a lot.

Thanks folks,


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