I have one parent window in that left side view navigation
In view area whenever navigation is click view display on view area
I am using CSLA4+Silverlight4+MVVM
I am binding one class to parent window, if any validation like client side or server side validation, I am show validation error summary on parent window, but validation massage coming from business model,
I am unable find out which validation massage of which view,
my view model is not depend on model vice versa model is not dependent on view model
can we track the model and view model when validation massage
Passing messages or events between viewmodel objects or visual regions is something that should be handled at the UI framework level.
I know Prism (for example) has a message routing feature as part of the framework.
If you are using Bxf, this is not something Bxf current supports.
The MvvmLight framework has a nice, ligheweight messaging component which I've used. It seems a lot easier to use than Prism's one.
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