VB CodeSmith Templates to generate ProjectTracker 3.5 programs

VB CodeSmith Templates to generate ProjectTracker 3.5 programs

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/10110.aspx

jhuerta posted on Saturday, February 26, 2011

I just purchased Code Smith and I have been trying to generate the code similar to the ProjectTracker sample solution which I downloaded from CLSA.Net. The version of the Project tracker is 3.5 similar to the Expert VB 2008 book. Does anyone know where I could get the code smith templates to generate the programs? I try to run the code smith templates for CSLA but the code that it generates is split into three classes which does not look similar to book.

Thank you


bniemyjski replied on Monday, April 18, 2011


The code is very similar to the book but it's separated by partial classes what the code is doing. All the Data Access can be found in the data access partial class and the meat of the Object can be found in the generated partial class.


-Blake Niemyjski

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