if (ViewData.TemplateInfo.TemplateDepth > 1)
@(Model == null ? ViewData.ModelMetadata.NullDisplayText : ViewData.ModelMetadata.SimpleDisplayText)
var pms = ViewData.ModelMetadata.Properties.Where(pm => pm.ShowForEdit && !pm.IsComplexType && !ViewData.TemplateInfo.Visited(pm));
foreach (var pm in pms)
if (pm.HideSurroundingHtml && pm.TemplateHint == "HiddenInput") {
above EditorTemplates will generate all property of Csla.Core.BusinessBase. but I just want generate property of model class.
Now, my model class inherit GenericBusinessBase class below, to not generate property of Csla.Core.BusinessBase in MVC 3 EditorTemplates.
public abstract class GenericBusinessBase<T> : BusinessBase<T> where T : BusinessBase<T>
#region [ScaffoldColumn(false)]
public override BrokenRulesCollection BrokenRulesCollection
get { return base.BrokenRulesCollection; }
#region ITrackStatus
public new bool IsValid
get { return base.IsValid; }
public new bool IsSelfValid
get { return base.IsSelfValid; }
public new bool IsDirty
get { return base.IsDirty; }
public new bool IsSelfDirty
get { return base.IsSelfDirty; }
public new bool IsDeleted
get { return base.IsDeleted; }
public new bool IsNew
get { return base.IsNew; }
public new bool IsSavable
get { return base.IsSavable; }
public new bool IsChild
get { return base.IsChild; }
#region ITrackStatus
public new bool IsBusy
get { return base.IsBusy; }
public new bool IsSelfBusy
get { return base.IsSelfBusy; }
So can add ScaffoldColumn(false) attribute to property of Csla.Core.BusinessBase? or have other solution? because I not want Create GenericBusinessBase<T> class .
You should suggest to Microsoft that their template generation code should honor the Browsable(false) attribute that is already on those CSLA base class properties.
The Browsable attribute has been around since .NET 1.0, and is used by virtually every UI designer (and some data binding technologies) to do exactly what you want.
The fact that the MVC guys decided to invent a new attribute when one already existed is the problem here... Or at worst, they should support both - the original and their new one.
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