IsAsync acting weird

IsAsync acting weird

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hanspret posted on Wednesday, March 09, 2011


I've got an Async rule that checks the database for an existing item. I use IsAsync in this rule but realised somethings going weird when I use this.

In my view I've got an undo button. The IsEnabled is bind to CanCancel (I am usind bxf).  When I add the rule with the IsAsync in it to the AddBusinessRules method and I run the application and I create a new item on the view mentioned above, the Undo button is disabled as expected. When I edit the field that is linked to the Async rule, and I tab of it the Undo button is enabled and I can click it and undo happens as expected. If I edit a different field that is not linked to the Async rule and tab of it, the undo button will not enable. This means that CanCancel stays false.

Lets say I remove the rule completely. When I run the application and create a new item on the view the undo button is enabled from the beginning. I can click it and it will stay enabled.

It is if I am missing something. It feels almost like I should mark all the properties with a similar IsAsync

Here is the rule:



private class BarcodeExistRule : Csla.Rules.BusinessRule




private Csla.Core.IPropertyInfo _PrimaryProperty;



public BarcodeExistRule(Csla.Core.IPropertyInfo PrimaryProperty)





IsAsync =



_PrimaryProperty = PrimaryProperty;

InputProperties =


new List<Csla.Core.IPropertyInfo> { PrimaryProperty };




protected override void Execute(Csla.Rules.RuleContext context)




var dp = new DataPortal<ExistsCommand>();

dp.ExecuteCompleted += (o, e) =>




if (e.Error != null)










if (e.Object.AssetCodeExists)




"This barcode already exists");







new ExistsCommand(context.InputPropertyValues[PrimaryProperty]));




If any one has some input it will be appreciated. I am using Silverlight

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