In a business library where Silverlight and .net need to be supported I have a class method in an object that returns a new object of the same type with all the fields copied over to create a duplicate object .
(I can't just call the standard New method because it won't work under silverlight so I'm caling the async method and waiting on the result which can't fail since the DataPortal_Create is simple property setting not involving the database)
Is this kosher?
public Client Duplicate()
Client dest = null;
Client.New((o, e) =>
if (e.Error != null)
throw e.Error;
dest = e.Object;
while (dest == null) ;//<--seems ugly but how else ?
... copy fields etc etc ...
How about this (given that no database access is required)?
public Client Duplicate()
var result = new Client();
using (BypassPropertyChecks)
using (result.BypassPropertyChecks)
result.Name = this.Name;
// copy all properties
return result;
Yes, that would definitely work. Thanks Rocky.
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