Can ReadOnlyListBase be a SwitchableObject?

Can ReadOnlyListBase be a SwitchableObject?

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ddredstar posted on Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Can ReadOnlyListBase be a SwitchableObject?


JonnyBee replied on Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Do you mean: can ReadOnlyListBase be a Root object or a Child object depending on which Factory methos is used to create the object.

Yes it can - just that ReadOnlyList and ReadOnlyBase objects has no concept of being a Root or Child object (no means to mark a readonly object as Root or Child). The main purpose of root/child is to identify the root object as the only object to allow Save.

ddredstar replied on Tuesday, March 22, 2011

    public class ReviewList : ReadOnlyListBase<ReviewList,ReviewInfo>
        internal static ReviewList GetReviewByClientId(int clientId)
            return DataPortal.FetchChild<ReviewList>(new SingleCriteria<int> (clientId)); //error happen here
        public ReviewList() {}

        public static void SearchReview(string year,int region,int status,string clientName,string reviewer, EventHandler<DataPortalResult<ReviewList>> callback)
            DataPortal<ReviewList> dp = new DataPortal<ReviewList>();
            dp.FetchCompleted += callback;
            dp.BeginFetch(new SearchCriteria(year, region, status, clientName, reviewer));
        private ReviewList()
        #region Data Access
        private void DataPortal_Fetch(SearchCriteria criteria)
            Database db = EnterpriseLibraryContainer.Current.GetInstance<Database>();
            ReviewDAO recordDao = new ReviewDAO(db);
            this.RaiseListChangedEvents = false;
            this.IsReadOnly = false;

            using (SafeDataReader reader = new SafeDataReader(recordDao.Search(criteria.Year, criteria.Region, criteria.Status, criteria.ClientName, criteria.Reviewer)))
                while (reader.Read())

            this.RaiseListChangedEvents = true;
            this.IsReadOnly = true;

        private void Child_Fetch(SingleCriteria<int> clientId)
            Database db = EnterpriseLibraryContainer.Current.GetInstance<Database>();
            ReviewDAO recordDao = new ReviewDAO(db);
            this.RaiseListChangedEvents = false;
            this.IsReadOnly = false;

            using (SafeDataReader reader = new SafeDataReader(recordDao.GetByClientId(clientId.Value)))
                while (reader.Read())
                    this.Add(new ReviewInfo(reader.GetString("CLIENTNAME")));

            this.RaiseListChangedEvents = true;
            this.IsReadOnly = true;


Above is my ReadOnlyList object, when LoadProperty of this object at Parent object, an exception was thrown said " Child_Fetch not implemented" , please help me.

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